The fourth of July is fast approaching and a lot of our
canine companions can have severe anxiety during this time. The ideal way
to treat this phobia is training with behavior modification techniques.
However, since we are so close to the holiday this is not possible we can use
medications to help our pets deal with the situation. There are some
medications that are over the counter that can be used such as Benadryl one 25
mg tablet for 25 pounds and/or melatonin one 3 mg tablet for 25 pounds. Another
option to use is Valerian 200 mg for a small dog and 400-600 mg for any dog
over 50 lbs. Some of our furry friends will need stronger medications such as
anti-anxiety medications. Thunder shirts may be used for this situation;
however they will only work in approximately 30% of dogs. Another concern this
time of year is overheating with excitement, please be weary hot days with our
pets and make sure there is always shade and water available. Overheating
can be a life threatening event. Also avoid allowing your pets get near
any fireworks. Some are toxic if chewed even after being set off.
Some other summer tips to keep our companions healthy:
Visit your veterinarian: with our dogs spending more time outdoors there
is more possibility for infectious diseases to be transmitted. Heartworm
disease is an issue all year around however is more prevalent during the summer
months. Our pets, both dogs and cats, should be on heartworm prevention
all year around. There are other infectious disease our animals are prone
to please contact your veterinarian for more information.
Keep Cool: Dogs and cats can become dehydrated very quickly so make sure
they have plenty of water and a shady place to rest. Do not allow for
your dog to linger on hot asphalt, this may cause burns to his/her paw pads. It
is very important to never leave our animals unattended in a parked vehicle.
Cars, even with windows open can lead to heatstroke or death for your animal.
Symptoms of overheating in pets include: increased heart and respiratory rate,
drooling, excessive panting or difficulty breathing, weakness, seizures, and
elevated body temperature. Dogs that are more susceptible to heat stroke
include: older dogs, overweight dogs, or animals with lung or heart
disease. Also brachiocephalic dog breeds (short muzzle breeds: bulldogs,
pugs, etc.) are more susceptible to overheating.
Lawn and flea and tick products: Most flea and tick products cannot be
used for both dogs and cats. Never give a cat a dog flea or tick
medications, this can lead to seizures and even death. Some lawn products
can be harmful to cats and dogs if ingested so make sure they are out of reach.
Cookouts. Summertime is great for get together however it is very
important to remember that some foods that we eat can be very toxic to our
pets. Make sure to avoid raisins, grapes, onions, chocolate, products
with sweetener xylitol, and alcoholic beverages. Remember even one new
meal can cause severe digestive issues.
Pool safety: Do not leave your dogs unsupervised around pools or lakes
not all dogs are good swimmers. Keep your dog from drinking pool water
because it contains chlorine and other chemicals that can cause stomach
upset. Make sure they do not have access to concentrated pool chemicals
because these are highly toxic to animals if ingested.
Fireworks: Do not ignite fireworks around pets.
Exposure to the lit fireworks can be harmful via burns or trauma. Also
many fireworks contain substances that are toxic to dogs if ingested.
High rise syndrome: High rise syndrome occurs when animals fall from
windows or doors and are seriously or fatally injured. Keep all windows
and doors in your home secured.
If any of the options above are needed for your dog, or you
have any questions, please contact your regular veterinarian or Michigan City
Animal Hospital at 219-879-4191 before the 4th gets here.
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